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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is GoHaweli? +
Coming Soon.
2. What category does GoHaweli provide? +
Coming Soon.
3. Does GoHaweli is an open free platform for everyone? +
Coming Soon.
4. How we can make transactions on GoHaweli? +
Coming Soon.
5. How GoHaweli algorithm work to display items for sell? +
Coming Soon.
6. How we can participate in GoHaweli? +
Coming Soon.
7. Can we build community on GoHaweli? +
Coming Soon.

Our purpose

GoHaweli: Your friendly farm marketplace! Buy and sell animals, feeds, and farm gear locally. Connect easily, upload listings, and make transparent deals with no costs. Our mission? Make real farming experiences virtually. We prioritize community, transparency, and trust. No online payments—check the listing (product) in person with all inquiries for a secure transaction!